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Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyung

Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyung
Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyung
 (Photo credit: AmazingMelaka.com)
Operating hours 5.00 pm - 12 p.m
Tel: 010 2258741
Address KM 4-5, Jalan Padang Temu, Permatang Pasir, Melaka

If you're looking for fresh food, try Medan Ikan Bakar, Muara Sungai Duyung located along Jalan Padang Temu.

Start off by picking out what kinds of fish, prawns, squids, mussels, la la…etc you want to eat. You can be assured that these are fresh from sea/ river (especially since you are dinning beside the source of supply). There are many to choose from. The otak-otak, grilled fish and succulent prawns are especially popular.

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